• Adoption

Adoption Mythology

January 10th, 2015 | by

If you are adopted or part of an adopted family then you’ve probably heard a question like this before: “So, what’s the big deal about being adopted?” or perhaps one like this: “Why aren’t adopted people satisfied with what they have, they should be grateful?” I’ve heard such questions or some variation thereof so many times that I have to wonder what compels people to ask such questions - which are surprisingly personal - yet which express surprisingly common views. I conclude that these kinds of questions are born of a misunderstanding about the nature of adoption, what I call ‘Adoption Mythology’.

Somatic Ball Rolling Workshop

February 21st, 2012 | by

From the http://theretardedowl.wordpress.com/ Somatic Ball Rolling Workshop February 20, 2012 I signed up for a Somatic Ball Rolling Workshop a

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